Earn points by fighting monsters and starting rallys (rallys give the most points for ap cost). When you have 100 points you can summon a haka behemoth.
Each haka behemoth killed gives the alliance points to summon a lava haka.
When the lava haka is summoned everyone needs to start a rally on it within 5 minutes if it being summoned, always be sure to start a rally before joining one this ensures us the most amount of dmg. It also helps to have all troops at home so you can send them out to help others rally’s. During this time no other rally’s should be started, you want to have all of your power focused on lava.
You increase your rank by getting as much damage done during one summoning as you can.
Haka and lava both will give up to 20 rewards, and you can earn these rewards from auto rally.
If offline for event -
Always leave auto rally on please
If online for event -
Start a rally as soon as possible then join any other rallys you can.
For alliances trying to increase score as much as possible I suggest having a handful of people start rallies late, with roughly 6:30 minutes left on the countdown. Those late rallies should have a power limit set so only your strongest troops get to fight twice. This will help give you a slight edge on the competition 🥰